Samstag, 17. August 2013

superstition in thailand

At the moment I'm on my way to China. Before, we visited the ruins of Angkor and took a spoonful of Bangkok. In the next weeks, I will post about Angkor, but it will take a lot of time, because I plan to do a little documentation.

Bye, bye beautiful Thailand!

Now I'm writing about another interesting topic: Superstition. Superstition in Thailand is very common and widespread. Here some examples:

Believe in ghosts

There are a lot of good and even more evil ghosts. They live in trees, lakes, on mountains and in houses. The relocation of the German embassy in Thailand was planned month before. Not because they had a lot of bulky interior, but because the resident ghost had to accept his new home. Therefore, Magaichat, an expert in terms of ghost, had to find the right place for the new ghost house (1).

Ghost house at River Inn Resort in Sappong, Thailand

To make sure, the ghost joins the relocation, offerings are crucial (1). Everywhere in Thailand you can see soft drinks or fruits at the entrance of ghost houses to please the inhabitants. Ceremonies should be finished at 11 AM, so that the ghosts can enjoy their dinner (2).

Ghost house at the Chinese village in Pai, Thailand

But what will happen with all the food? You rarely see ghost houses with rotten food. Well, my mom read about a Western man living together with a Thai woman. When the family offered more than 5 bottles of whiskey, the grandpa would secretly take one bottle for himself (3).

Underneath the elephant's stomach

There are many other believes, such as that pregnant women should crawl underneath an elephant's stomach to have an easy birth (2).

Elephants from the sustainable Elephant project

Ugly children

"Thai children are not beautiful, they're ugly" (4). When you call a children beautiful, it will draw attention to evil spirits. So if you want to make a Thai mother happy, point out how ugly her children are (2) (4). At least in theory.

Beautiful children. They are Cambodian, so it's ok.

All pictures were taken by my mother.

List of reference

(1) GÜNSCHE, KARL-LUDWIG 2012, Aberglaube in Thailand, URL, (accessed by 15th of August 2013).

(2) RAINER, TOM KRACK 2010, Thailand-Handbuch: Reiseführer für individuelles Entdecken, Reise Know How Verlag Peter Rump GmbH.

(3) on request - brock.greta(at)

(4) JAMES, CASSANDRA 2009, Thai children are not beautiful, they're ugly, URL, (accessed by 16th of August 2013).

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